Beyond communications...
Expert solutions to diverse school security challenges
Fast and reliable alert communications is only one component of effective school security. To assist schools in maximizing benefit from the GuardianCall system and improving their overall level of safety, all subscribers are automatically enrolled in the Guardian SafeSchool Network.
Following are some of the features of this special program only available through GuardianCall.
School Emergency Response Plan Templates
As security consultants, one of the most common problems we encounter when working with schools are deficiencies in emergency response plans.
To aid GuardianCall customers in further improving their emergency readiness and maximizing benefit from the GuardianCall system, subscribers are provided with access to emergency response plan templates authored by experienced school security experts.
The procedures in each template are based on best practices in emergency response and accompanied by guidance in customizing the plan with consideration to school-specific operations, staff composition, and infrastructure.
As an example, click here to view an extract from one of our Emergency Response Plans.
School Security Assessment Assistance
New subscribers are provided access to a special self-assessment tool designed to guide administrators through the process of conducting a school security and readiness assessment. After initial data is gathered, the observations of the school team can be uploaded through the network portal for review by our school security consultants.
After our experts have reviewed the submission, a web meeting is conducted to review the results and explore possible options for improvement.
School Security and Safety Webinars
GuardianCall hosts a monthly webinar featuring security and safety consultants focusing on various preparation issues and providing a valuable opportunity to explore questions live with an expert.

Faculty Training Videos
GuardianCall provides customers with videos specially designed for training faculty groups on matters such as recognizing warning behaviors and students of concern, active shooter response, and use of the GuardianCall system.
Schools are also provided with an instructor guide and MS PowerPoint templates to assist in customizing group training sessions with information such as emergency team organization, reunification plans, and other school-specific matters.
School Security Knowledgebase
The GuardianCall subscriber portal provides subscribers with access to specialized videos produced by experts addressing a full spectrum of school security and emergency readiness topics. The knowledgebase also includes an extensive library of related articles and publications.
Contact us to explore how GuardianCall can make your school a safer community.

Call us at (800) 247-6055 to speak with a representative or use the following form to request more information.