The GuardianCall Approach
An Effective Imminent Threat / Active Shooter (Code Red) Plan for Schools
GuardianCall was developed based on the study of hundreds of school shootings, system failures during previous emergencies, and years of experience aiding schools in developing improved emergency communications infrastructure and active shooter (Code Red) response plans.
Although GuardianCall offers a versatile range of features, our foremost priority is optimized performance during active shooter events by reducing response times and ensuring reliable notification under high-stress conditions.
The following diagram illustrates how GuardianCall expedites and simplifies staff actions in active shooter (Code Red) response plans.
Example of GuardianCall Employed in a School Imminent Threat / Active Shooter (Code Red) Plan

Click the following accordion to view an example of a complete school active shooter / imminent threat (CODE RED) response plan using GuardianCall to expedite and simplify emergency alerts.
Note Regarding the Following Active Shooter (CODE RED) Response Plan
To aid GuardianCall customers in further improving their emergency readiness and maximizing benefit from the GuardianCall system, subscribers are provided with access to emergency response plan templates authored by experienced school security experts.
The procedures in each template are based on best practices in emergency response and accompanied by guidance in customizing the plan with consideration to school-specific operations, staff composition, and infrastructure.
The following active shooter response plan is an extract from our ERP template illustrating how GuardianCall expedites and simplifies the alert notification procedure during imminent threat situations. As a model active shooter/lockdown plan, the following example is applicable to schools with School Resource Officers (SROs) on campus and a public address system which is configured independently from the GuardianCall system.
Imminent Threat – Active Shooter - Lockdown Plan (CODE RED)
An imminent threat situation is defined as any situation where violence is recognized or suspected imminently based on circumstances possibly including:
- Intruder or known person who is visibly armed or behaving in a threatening manner
- Sounds of gunfire
- Evidence of violence (e.g., casualties, blood, etc.)
- Real-time threat or reports of imminent violence
Imminent threat situations are designated as CODE RED under the School Emergency Communications Color Code System.
A. CODE RED Alert & Notification Procedure
When an imminent threat is detected (or a CODE RED-LOCKDOWN order is received), the following procedure will be initiated immediately:
1. If the intruder’s actions appear to threaten the safety of people nearby, staff will first instruct students to initiate protective actions (“Class, lock the door, shut off the lights, take cover, and be quiet”).
2. If an audible alert has not been heard through the GuardianCall system, the observing staff member will activate his/her GuardianCall device by firmly depressing the panic button for three seconds and waiting for the 911 Emergency Center Operator to answer.
Once connected, the observing staff member will report the following information to the 911 Operator:
- Intruder’s activity (e.g., shots fired, banging on doors, etc.)
- Intruder(s) armed? (If known)
- Location of the intruder(s) (e.g., building, floor/room, etc.)
- Description of the intruder(s)
Activating the GuardianCall device will automatically alert all other school employees on campus via SMS text, email, and audible & visible alert through body-worn GuardianCall devices.
Members of the school’s Emergency Response Team (including SROs) will receive an additional SMS & GuardianCall screen message with the GPS location of the activated GuardianCall device.
3. Upon receipt of the automatic alert, all School Resource Officers on duty will stop whatever activities in which they are engaged and rapidly respond to the suspected location of the intruder as indicated by the GPS location of the activating GuardianCall device. Officers will respond in tactical-readiness mode.
4. As officers are responding, the Incident Commander will issue a redundant warning announcement through the school’s public address system for the benefit of everyone on campus:
“CODE RED-LOCKDOWN, LOCKDOWN, LOCKDOWN, Possible dangerous intruder in [location, if known].”
For example: “Code RED. Lockdown. Lockdown. Lockdown. Possible dangerous intruder in the Upper Division Building.”
5. All faculty and administrators will enter into LOCKDOWN mode. See B. Indoor Lockdown and C. Outdoor Lockdown procedures below.
6. The Incident Commander will send text message updates through the GuardianCall Dashboard with further instructions as the situation develops. Message updates will be issued if any new threat circumstances arise (e.g., fire, suspected IED, etc.).
7. When the threat is believed to be neutralized and the area is cleared by police, a CODE GREEN-ALL CLEAR message will be issued using the GuardianCall system to all staff with any unique instructions. This will usually be accompanied by an order to initiate the Reunification procedure.
NOTE: In the immediate aftermath of a shooting incident, it may take 20–30 minutes after the shooting stops for SROs and responding police officers to progressively clear the building. During this process, officers may knock on locked classroom doors and check the status of people inside. To avoid confusion, the Incident Commander will advise school employees by using non-audible GuardianCall messages as this process is underway.
The Incident Commander (or SROs) will advise arriving police officers that the school has an established safety sign/countersign for use in authenticating their requests for people to exit locked rooms. The school’s safety sign/countersign is: Blue-Falcon.
B. Indoor Lockdown Procedure
The following guidelines will be used by faculty located indoors and when an intruder is not immediately present:
- Ensure that all students are inside the classroom (or a separate, lockable room) and lock the door.
- Move all students to an area inside the room that is concealed from view of doors and windows. Instruct all students to take shelter behind cover or low on the floor.
- If the door is inward-swinging, tightly barricade the door with as much furniture as possible.
- Turn off lights and close all curtains/shades. Instruct students to remain quiet and turn all cell phones in the room to silent mode.
- Monitor personal cell phone for GuardianCall message updates from the Incident Commander. If the intruder is observed or heard nearby, report the intruder’s location and status to 911.
- Note any students that have been gained and/or lost before and/or during Lockdown (not students marked absent, only missing or found students) and maintain that information until the Incident Commander requests it.
- Remain in the Lockdown state until the CODE GREEN – ALL CLEAR order is issued. If a police officer knocks on the locked door requesting access, challenge the individual to authenticate with the word “Blue.” They should respond with the word “Falcon.”
If an armed intruder tries to enter the room…
- If there is an alternative escape route (e.g., other door, first floor window, etc.) order all students to escape using the alternative exit and instruct them to run out of the building and keep running away until they encounter police or other faculty.
- If there is no escape option, equip yourself as necessary and use all force available to stop the assailant.
C. Outdoor Lockdown Procedure
Staff members and classes located outdoors when the CODE RED – LOCKDOWN order is issued should respond according to the following guidelines:
If located close to a known safe indoor location:
- Immediately move students indoors and into a room that can be locked.
- Follow Indoor Lockdown Procedure above (See Section B).
If located away from safe indoor areas or the location of danger is unknown:
- Evacuate students off and away from campus as quickly as possible.
- Keep group together
- Use caution near streets/roads and other hazards
- Be conscious of cover and concealment while moving students away from possible threat locations
- Get a full accounting of students once evacuation is complete
- Assist any limited-mobility students using whatever means available
- Once the group is safely evacuated from campus, direct students to the off-campus reunification point at St. Andrew’s Church. See Section X.XX (Reunification Plan) for map.
- If you have self-evacuated your class, wait 45 minutes after arriving off campus and advise the Incident Commander that your group has evacuated and the present status of the group.
Copyright © 2022 by Critical Intervention Services. All rights reserved.
See the following video for more information about Emergency Response Team organization, communications, and response planning for a full spectrum of school emergencies.
Contact us to explore how GuardianCall can make your school a safer community.

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